Tudor Chibacu 是一位来自加拿大安大略金斯顿的天文摄影师,他使用QHY相机拍摄了很多惊艳的作品!比如下面的天鹅座墙,IC5146,玫瑰星云……
QHY268m, CFW3 and Antlia HARGB
8” ONTC 1000mm f5 from Teleskop Service
Sky-Watcher EQ6-R
TS GPU 2” Coma Corrector
Artesky M48 360′ Rotator
Deep.Sky.Dad Autofocuser v3
曝光: Halpha 55x5min
Red 54x90sec
Green 42x60sec
Blue 30x60sec
Bortle 7, Kingston Ontario
QHY268m, CFW3 and Antlia HARGB
8” ONTC 1000mm f5 from Teleskop Service
Sky-Watcher EQ6-R
TS GPU 2” Coma Corrector
Artesky M48 360′ Rotator
Deep.Sky.Dad Autofocuser v3
Exposure time: 150 x 5min Halpha
130 x 90sec Red
189 x 60sec Blue
192x 60sec Green